New novel chapter 15

By: Asa Montreaux

Chapter 15: Trials of Power

The day of the exams arrived with a palpable tension that gripped The Andrews School. Students wandered the halls, their faces a mix of determination and anxiety. As the morning sun poured through the tall windows, illuminating the grand hall, Hugh felt the buzz of energy in the air. It was a day that would define their paths.

Hugh, Mish, Eliza, Fiona, and Sam gathered in the common room before heading to the exam hall. Each of them wore a determined expression, but beneath it, Hugh could sense the flutter of nerves. He took a deep breath, hoping to quell his own growing anxiety. 

“Remember, we’ve got each other’s backs,” Mish said, giving them a reassuring smile. “No matter what happens, we’re in this together.”

Eliza nodded. “And we’ve been practicing hard. We can do this!”

They made their way to the exam hall, a grand chamber filled with rows of wooden desks. The air was thick with anticipation, the sound of whispers fading as they entered. At the front stood the examiners—experienced instructors, their eyes sharp and watchful.

“Welcome to your practical examination,” one of the examiners, a tall woman with silver hair, announced. “Today, you will demonstrate your abilities in various magical disciplines. You will be graded on your technique, creativity, and control.”

Hugh’s heart raced. He scanned the room, spotting familiar faces and some new students who had garnered a bit of attention on social media. Each of them carried an aura of confidence, but Hugh couldn’t shake the feeling of pressure as he waited for the first round of examinations to begin.

“First up, we’ll have basic spells,” the silver-haired examiner continued, flipping through a stack of papers. “Hugh Clark, please come forward.”

Feeling the weight of a thousand eyes upon him, Hugh took a deep breath and stepped to the front. The examiner gestured to a set of objects lined up on a nearby table—a series of colored orbs, each representing a different elemental magic.

“Choose an orb and demonstrate your skill,” she instructed.

Hugh approached the table, feeling the heat radiating from the red orb, the coolness of the blue one, and the gentle hum of the green one. He picked up the blue orb, its surface shimmering. 

“Alright, focus,” he thought, closing his eyes for a moment. He recalled their practice sessions, the encouragement from his friends, and the warmth of their bond. 

As he opened his eyes, he spoke the incantation, directing his energy toward the orb. A thin stream of water flowed from his fingertips, encircling the orb in a delicate dance. The water sparkled as it swirled, catching the light. 

Hugh maintained his focus, recalling the feeling of balance they had practiced. The water solidified, forming a small, shimmering fountain that danced and glimmered before the examiner. 

“Impressive control,” the examiner noted, a slight smile tugging at her lips. “Next, please.”

Hugh felt a rush of relief as he stepped back to rejoin his friends, who were waiting with bated breath.

“Nice job!” Eliza whispered. “You looked so confident up there!”

“Thanks. I just tried to remember everything we practiced,” Hugh replied, feeling a renewed sense of determination.

As the rounds continued, he watched Mish demonstrate her skills. She lit a series of candles with a flick of her fingers, producing a mesmerizing display of flames that danced in midair. Fiona impressed the examiners by levitating several objects with ease, her movements graceful and precise.

“Good luck, Sam!” Hugh called as his friend stepped forward for his turn. Sam focused intently, conjuring a stream of water and shaping it into intricate forms. He twisted and turned it with fluid motion, earning nods of approval from the examiners.

Finally, it was Eliza’s turn. She stepped forward with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. As she chose the green orb, Hugh felt the air shift with anticipation. She chanted the incantation, and a gentle breeze swirled around her, lifting leaves from the nearby trees and causing them to float gracefully in the air. 

The examiners exchanged impressed glances as Eliza manipulated the wind, creating a beautiful display of nature that captivated the room. 

After the practical portion, the group reconvened, exhilaration surging through them. They had all performed well, and the sense of camaraderie strengthened their spirits. 

“Now, for the theoretical portion,” a different examiner announced, moving to the front of the hall. “You will take an individual written test covering the various disciplines you’ve learned throughout the semester.”

Hugh’s heart sank. The theoretical exam would focus on the spells, incantations, and the magical theories they had studied. He was confident in his practical skills, but the written test felt daunting.

Seated at their desks, the students received their papers, and the exam began. Hugh scribbled answers, recalling discussions and notes from class, his mind racing as he filled in each blank. 

Minutes turned into hours, and when the bell finally rang, signaling the end of the exam, Hugh felt a mixture of relief and exhaustion wash over him. 

As they filed out of the hall, Hugh spotted some students whispering animatedly about an intriguing new rumor. 

“Did you hear about the student who conjured a real dragon during their practical?” one of them exclaimed, eyes wide with excitement.

“No way! I heard they only managed to keep it under control for a minute!” another added, a grin spreading across their face.

The tales swirled around the room, painting vibrant pictures of power and chaos. Hugh felt the buzz of excitement and danger around them, knowing that The Andrews School held more secrets than they could imagine.

As they gathered in the common room later that evening, the group felt a mix of exhilaration and uncertainty. The results would come soon, and they were all eager to see how they had fared.

“Regardless of what happens, I’m proud of us,” Mish said, her eyes bright with enthusiasm. “We did our best, and that’s what matters.”

“Exactly,” Eliza agreed. “And we still have each other, no matter the outcome.”

As they settled in for the night, the weight of the exams began to lift. Together, they embraced the thrill of uncertainty, knowing that the next chapter of their magical journey was just beginning.


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