New Novel Chapter 14

By: Asa Montreaux

Chapter 14: The Weight of Anticipation

As the leaves turned vibrant shades of orange and gold outside, the atmosphere within the Andrews School was thick with anticipation. The looming wizarding exams, combined with the regular school tests, had cast a heavy shadow over the students. The once vibrant hallways buzzed with whispers of nerves and strategies, as everyone prepared for the ultimate assessment of their abilities and knowledge.

Hugh, seated in the common room surrounded by his friends, felt the weight of expectations pressing down on him. He had just finished a particularly grueling study session for his advanced spellcasting class. His notes were strewn across the table—scribbled incantations and diagrams showcasing the intricate motions required to unleash magic. But despite his preparations, uncertainty gnawed at him.

“Okay, focus!” Mish said, tapping her pencil against the table. “We need to review the levitation spell one more time before the exams. It’s crucial!”

“Right,” Sam replied, rubbing the back of his neck. “But can’t we just use the practice room? We could really benefit from hands-on practice instead of just theory.”

“Good idea,” Fiona chimed in. “I think we should try to do the practical in real-time. It might help settle our nerves.”

Hugh nodded, though his mind was elsewhere. He had been practicing, but the thought of using his powers in front of an examiner sent shivers down his spine. What if he made a mistake? What if his dark side showed up when he least expected it?

“Let’s head over after lunch,” Eliza suggested, breaking him from his thoughts. “We have to get this right if we want to impress the council members overseeing the exams. Plus, we can help each other out.”

After lunch, they gathered in the practice room, an expansive chamber lined with enchanted mirrors that reflected their every move. The ceiling sparkled with artificial stars, casting a serene glow across the polished wooden floor. 

Mish stepped up first, her confidence shining as she prepared to demonstrate the levitation spell. “Alright, just watch,” she said, positioning her arms gracefully. She concentrated, her brow furrowing as she chanted the incantation. The small wooden chair in front of her began to lift off the ground, hovering several feet in the air. 

“Nice one, Mish!” Eliza clapped, her excitement infectious. “You’re getting really good at that!”

“Thanks! Just wait until I show you the advanced variation,” Mish replied, her eyes sparkling.

Next up was Sam. He took a deep breath, summoning his energy as he began the incantation. The same chair wobbled a bit before floating clumsily into the air. “Oops!” he laughed, trying to regain control. “Guess I need to work on my precision.”

“Let me help,” Fiona offered, stepping forward. She demonstrated the correct posture and focus, guiding Sam through the spell. “Visualize it like a feather, light and effortless.”

They spent the next hour practicing, their laughter echoing off the walls as they cheered each other on. However, Hugh remained anxious, watching as his friends effortlessly controlled their magic. When it was his turn, he felt the weight of expectation bear down on him.

“Come on, Hugh. You’ve got this!” Mish encouraged, clapping her hands together. 

Hugh stepped forward, heart racing. He positioned himself in front of the chair, closed his eyes, and tried to clear his mind. He focused on the incantation, visualizing the chair rising smoothly into the air. He spoke the words, his voice steady. 

But as he opened his eyes, the chair wobbled before abruptly crashing to the floor, splintering into pieces. A wave of frustration washed over him. 

“Sorry, guys. I just… I can’t seem to get it right,” he muttered, feeling the sting of disappointment. 

“Don’t be too hard on yourself,” Eliza said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “We all struggle sometimes. You’re just feeling the pressure. Remember to breathe.”

Mish nodded. “We’re here for you, Hugh. Let’s try again together.”

Taking a deep breath, Hugh closed his eyes once more, pushing the doubts aside. As his friends chanted the spell along with him, he felt their energy flowing into him. This time, he focused not just on the spell, but on the connection they shared—their friendship providing a foundation of strength.

The chair lifted gracefully this time, hovering steadily in the air. Hugh’s eyes widened in disbelief, and a smile broke across his face as cheers erupted from his friends.

“See? You did it!” Fiona exclaimed, her joy palpable. 

“Yeah, you nailed it!” Sam added, clapping Hugh on the back.

The practice continued, each of them taking turns to perfect their spells. They discovered unique abilities among themselves. Mish revealed her talent for conjuring small fireballs, while Sam began working on a water manipulation spell that danced through the air like ribbons.

As the hours passed, Hugh began to feel more confident, each successful spell building on the last. The looming exams didn’t seem as daunting anymore, though he knew they were still approaching fast.

When they finally returned to their dormitory that night, exhaustion settled over them like a comforting blanket. But beneath the fatigue, an undercurrent of excitement thrummed in the air.

“We should meet up again tomorrow for more practice,” Eliza suggested, yawning. “The exams are just a few days away, and we need to be ready!”

“Definitely,” Mish agreed, her eyes shining with determination. “We can’t give up now.”

As they all settled in for the night, Hugh felt a warmth spread through him. He glanced around at his friends—each of them filled with their own hopes, dreams, and aspirations. He shared many of the same aspirations, and he was thankful they were here together right now.

The clock ticked softly, marking the passage of time as their upcoming exams loomed closer. It was easy to feel intimidated, but in this moment, surrounded by laughter and friendship, Hugh felt ready for whatever magic awaited him.


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