The Theft Under Cover Of Night

-- A new Short Story Selections special, The Theft Under Cover Of Night, a short story, with a chapter every day. The first one follows below.

By: Asa Montreaux

Chapter One: The Descent into Darkness

The Thomas family’s suburban home, a picture-perfect residence nestled among the neatly manicured lawns and flowerbeds of Maplewood Drive, was a sanctuary of calm and content sentiment. On a crisp autumn evening, the house was fully alive with the warmth of family life. Emily Thomas, a nurturing woman in her early thirties with a soft,gentle smile and a kind heart, bustled around the kitchen, preparing dinner. Her husband, David, a stalwart man in his mid-thirties with a quiet strength, was setting the dining table with their two children, Lily and Sam.

Lily, a curious ten-year-old with a penchant for asking questions, was busy trying to help her mother by arranging the cutlery. “Mom, do you think we’ll ever get a pet?” she asked, her eyes wide with anticipation.

Emily chuckled as she stirred the pot on the stove. “Well, Lily, pets can be a lot of work. But who knows? Maybe one day we’ll get a furry friend for our family.”

Sam, at six years old, was more interested in his action figures. He was pretending that his Hasbro toy soldier was bravely fighting off imaginary foes. “Look, Dad, my soldier is saving the world!” he exclaimed, holding up his toy with an expression of triumph.

David smiled at his son’s enthusiasm. “That’s great, Sam. Just make sure he saves the world before dinner starts.”

The evening was a reflection of their simple, happy life—a stark contrast to the dark events that would soon unfold. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the Thomas family settled into their evening routine. Emily read Lily and Sam their favorite bedtime stories, her voice soft and soothing as she transported them to fantastical worlds. David, meanwhile, cleaned up the kitchen, his mind at ease as he listened to the sounds of his family’s contented chatter.

The tranquility of the night, however, was abruptly shattered by a sinister intrusion. Elias Reed and Victor Kane, two seasoned criminals with a penchant for violence, were on a mission to invade the Thomas home. Armed with advanced technology that included electronic lock-picking devices and surveillance gear, they were determined to execute a meticulously planned robbery.

As Elias and Victor approached the Thomas residence, their movements were deliberate and silent. The technology they wielded was both sophisticated and menacing. They used a device to disable the home’s security system with a series of beeps and clicks that were inaudible to anyone inside. The front door, once a symbol of safety, creaked open as Elias picked the lock with the precision of a seasoned thief.

Inside, the house was a sanctuary of domestic bliss, unaware of the encroaching danger. Emily and David were in the midst of a quiet moment. “I’m glad we could finally have this time together,” Emily said, her eyes meeting David’s across the dinner table.

David nodded, reaching across to hold her hand. “Me too. It’s nice to have a peaceful evening.”

Their words were abruptly interrupted by the violent burst of the front door being forced open. Elias and Victor, their faces obscured by masks, stormed into the house with a chilling sense of purpose. Emily’s scream pierced the stillness, an involuntary reaction to the intrusion.

“Get on the ground!” Elias barked, his voice cold and commanding. Victor moved swiftly, his eyes scanning the room for valuables. The robbers’ weapons—guns and knives—gleamed ominously under the faint light of the living room lamp.

David sprang into action, his instincts as a father taking over. “Stay away from my family!” he shouted, attempting to shield Emily and the children. One robber had led them down the stairs, while brandishing a gun.

Victor, with a sneer, pointed his gun at David. “Don’t try anything stupid. We’re here for the money, and we’ll get it one way or another.”

The scene was chaotic. Emily clutched Lily and Sam tightly, her heart racing as she watched David struggle with the intruders. The sound of shattering glass and the clattering of metal filled the air. “Please, just let us go,” Emily pleaded, her voice trembling.

Elias’s eyes were cold and unfeeling as he rifled through drawers and cabinets, looking for anything of value. “Hurry up, Victor! We don’t have all night.”

Outside, Greg Harper, a neighbor who had been out for a late-night walk, noticed the disturbance. The sound of the commotion and the sight of shadows moving through the Thomas home alarmed him. Without hesitation, he sprinted toward the house, driven by a sense of duty, and a desire to help his neighbours.

Greg’s entry into the Thomas home was a dramatic moment of relief amid the chaos. As he burst through the door, he shouted, “Police! I’m here to help!” The robbers, momentarily startled, turned their attention toward this new threat.

Elias’s eyes narrowed as he saw Greg. “You shouldn’t have come in here,” he growled, raising his weapon.

Greg, undeterred, charged forward. “Get away from them!” he roared, engaging the robbers with a combination of courage and desperation. The confrontation was intense and brutal, a clash of wills that saw Greg fighting fiercely to protect the family.

In the midst of the struggle, Greg’s strength and resolve shone through. He managed to subdue Elias, tackling him to the ground and wrestling away the weapon. Victor, seeing his partner in peril, turned his attention to Greg, but was met with a forceful strike that knocked him unconscious.

The aftermath of the struggle was both harrowing and chaotic. The robbers lay incapacitated on the floor, their advanced technology scattered around them. Emily, her face pale and eyes wide with fear, held her children close, her mind reeling from the violence they had just witnessed.

David, though injured, rushed to Greg’s side. “Thank you,” he said, his voice choked with emotion. “You saved our lives.”

Greg, his own body bruised and battered, nodded grimly. “I’m just glad I got here in time.”

The arrival of the police was a welcome, if belated, relief. The officers quickly assessed the scene, their experienced and calm demeanor a stark contrast to the emotional turmoil that enveloped the Thomas home. The robbers were taken into custody, their reign of terror momentarily ended.

The investigation that followed was thorough but left the Thomas family grappling with the emotional and complex aftermath. The media coverage of the incident was intense, with the story of the Thomas family’s ordeal affecting everyone that head about it, making them feel tremendous sympathy for the family. Greg Harper’s inexplicable heroism became a focal point of public interest, with some singing his praise, while others doubted his story.

Edited by: Asa Montreaux


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