New novel

By: Asa Montreaux

Chapter 1: Telepathia unbound

The rain drummed steadily against the windows of the Clark family’s home in Seattle, its rhythmic tapping providing a soothing backdrop to the otherwise quiet evening. Inside the basement, Hugh Clark, fifteen, sat cross-legged on the floor, surrounded by a chaotic array of science textbooks, notebooks scribbled with calculations, and scattered metallic objects. His dark hair, perpetually falling into his eyes, only partially concealed the intense focus etched on his face.

Hugh's bedroom was a blend of clutter and creativity—a testament to his mind’s restless energy. Posters of famous scientists and theoretical physics diagrams adorned the walls, interspersed with the occasional comic book cover. The single dim lightbulb hanging from the ceiling cast a warm, yellow glow over the room, accentuating the shadows that danced along the walls.

Hugh was deeply engrossed in a book on quantum mechanics when he decided to take a break from reading. With a sigh, he placed the book aside and turned his attention to his latest experiment: using his telekinesis to manipulate various metal objects. His goal was to refine his control, and he was making steady progress.

He focused intently on a small metal pencil sharpener lying in front of him. The sharpener began to levitate, slowly at first, then gaining speed as Hugh concentrated harder. His eyes narrowed with determination, and the sharpener spun gracefully in mid-air, performing intricate maneuvers.

The basement door creaked open, causing Hugh to momentarily lose his concentration. The sharpener wobbled before gently dropping back to the floor. A figure appeared in the doorway, silhouetted by the dim light of the stairwell.

The man who entered was impeccably dressed in a sharply tailored suit. His dark eyes and impeccable grooming contrasted sharply with the dusty, cluttered environment of the basement. He moved with an air of effortless grace, his presence commanding attention without the need for words.

"Impressive, isn’t it?" The man’s voice was smooth, carrying a hint of a foreign accent that Hugh couldn’t quite place.

Hugh’s heart skipped a beat. He jumped up, his eyes wide with a mix of surprise and suspicion. "Who are you? How did you get in here?"

The stranger’s smile was both charming and enigmatic. "My name is Sinclair. I’ve been observing you, Hugh. Your abilities are quite remarkable."

Hugh’s skepticism flared. "You’ve been watching me? For what purpose?"

Sinclair's eyes gleamed with interest. "I’m here to offer you an extraordinary opportunity. You’ve been selected for a special institution—The Andrews School."

Hugh’s mind raced. "The Andrews School? I’ve heard of it... but I thought it was just a rumor."

Sinclair’s smile widened. "Ah, but rumors often have a kernel of truth. The Andrews School is very real, and it’s more than just a place of learning. It’s a sanctuary for those with exceptional abilities."

Hugh's curiosity piqued, though his wariness remained. "And what makes you think I’d be interested? I’m perfectly fine here."

Sinclair’s gaze was unwavering. "Your potential is extraordinary, Hugh. The school will help you harness your abilities and explore your true potential. It’s a place where you can excel in ways you never imagined."

Hugh’s skepticism was met with a calm, reassuring demeanor. Sinclair continued, "I understand this is sudden, but this opportunity could change your life. I have a plane waiting for us at the airport. Pack your essentials. The school begins soon."

Before Hugh could fully absorb the situation, Sinclair’s phone buzzed. He glanced at the screen and then back at Hugh. "I must go now. The plane won’t wait forever."

The basement felt suddenly emptier as Sinclair turned and began to leave. Hugh watched in stunned silence as Sinclair disappeared up the stairs. The reality of the situation began to sink in. Hugh knew that his life was about to take a dramatic turn.

He moved mechanically, gathering his belongings. His mind buzzed with questions and possibilities. He glanced at his reflection in a small, dusty mirror on the wall. The excitement and apprehension in his eyes were unmistakable.

As Hugh packed his bag, he felt a mix of nervousness and exhilaration. The rain continued to fall outside, its steady rhythm matching the beat of his quickening pulse. His life in Seattle, with its predictable routines and quiet evenings, was about to be left behind. He knew that whatever lay ahead at The Andrews School, it would be nothing short of extraordinary.


Flashback: The Surveillance

The scene shifted abruptly to a few weeks prior, revealing a different setting—a high-tech bank in Seattle. The security was tight, with cameras monitoring every corner and an array of sophisticated alarms. Hugh’s father, Robert Clark, worked as a senior security consultant here, but he had no idea his son was about to enter a situation that would change his life.

Hugh had found an unconventional way to test his telepathic and telekinetic skills. He had discovered that he could use his telepathy to observe his father’s interactions, allowing him to access the bank’s vault without detection. This was more of an experiment than an actual theft—Hugh had no intention of stealing anything.

That afternoon, Hugh had cleverly avoided detection by hiding in plain sight. He waited until his father was distracted with a phone call from a colleague. Hugh’s mind reached out, his telepathy picking up snippets of the conversation as he focused on the vault’s combination lock.

With precise control, Hugh used his telekinesis to gently rotate the lock’s dials. The safe opened with a soft click. Inside, he manipulated the contents carefully, ensuring nothing was disturbed. He was meticulous, closing the safe and resetting the combination before stepping back out.

What Hugh didn’t know was that a discreet observer, Agent Macomb, was monitoring the bank’s security systems from a remote location. Harper’s job was to scout potential candidates for the Andrews School, and he had been watching Hugh’s activities with keen interest.

Through hidden cameras and advanced surveillance equipment, Macomb saw Hugh’s delicate operation. Impressed by his finesse and the apparent ethical considerations in his actions, Macomb knew that Hugh was not just any telekinetic but a potential candidate for something much greater.


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