New novel Ch. 3

By: Asa Montreaux

Chapter 3: The Flame Keeper

The morning mist clung to the rolling hills of rural England as the sleepy village of Rothbury began to stir. Nestled in a quaint, picturesque corner of the countryside, Rothbury was a place where time seemed to move a little slower, and the hustle and bustle of city life felt like a distant memory. Among the winding streets and charming cottages, there was a sense of peace and simplicity that its residents cherished.

However, for Fiona Graves, fifteen and living on the outskirts of Rothbury, the tranquility of her village was often interrupted by her restless energy and an extraordinary gift—pyrokinesis. Fiona’s fiery abilities were a cause of fascination and frustration. She could conjure and control flames with her mind, a skill she had been honing in secret for as long as she could remember.

Today was no different. Fiona had taken the train into the nearby town of Harford, a larger hub where she often visited to find solace from the confines of village life. She loved the bustling atmosphere of the train station, with its colorful advertisements, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee from the kiosks, and the constant hum of activity. It was here that she could practice her abilities discreetly, away from the prying eyes of her village.

As Fiona wandered through the station, she noticed a plume of smoke rising in the distance. Her eyes narrowed as she concentrated, the smoke drifting lazily above the horizon. It was coming from the direction of a nearby refinery, a place she knew had been the site of minor fires in the past. Today, however, the smoke seemed more intense and thick, and Fiona’s instincts told her something was amiss.

Her heart quickened as she approached a nearby viewing platform overlooking the tracks. She closed her eyes, extending her senses to the source of the smoke. With a practiced focus, she could feel the heat and intensity of the flames that were beginning to grow out of control.

“Not on my watch,” Fiona muttered under her breath. She took a deep breath and raised her hand, concentrating her pyrokinesis to extinguish the flames. A wave of cool energy surged from her fingertips, reaching out to suppress the fire. Slowly but surely, the smoke began to thin, and the fiery blaze was quelled.

Relief washed over her as the danger was averted. Fiona opened her eyes and turned to leave, but as she navigated through the crowded station, she inadvertently bumped into a man in a dark suit, his face partially obscured by the brim of a fedora. The collision was brief, but the impact caused a small, folded card to fall from his hand.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” Fiona exclaimed, bending down to retrieve the card. As she handed it back, she took a closer look at the man. His eyes were sharp, and there was an air of calm assurance about him.

“No harm done,” the man said with a warm, albeit enigmatic, smile. “Actually, I’m quite glad you found this.”

Fiona studied the card as it was returned to her. It was elegantly designed, with an embossed seal and a script that read: “The Andrews School - A Place for the Gifted.” Her eyes widened in recognition.

“Are you...?” Fiona began, but the man interrupted with a knowing look.

“Yes, I am. I’ve been observing you, Fiona. Your abilities are quite impressive. I believe you have a place at The Andrews School, should you choose to accept it.”

Fiona’s heart raced. She had heard whispers of the prestigious institution but had never imagined it would come into her life so directly. “The Andrews School? I thought it was just a rumor.”

The man’s smile remained steady. “Not a rumor, but a very real opportunity. The school is for individuals like yourself who possess extraordinary abilities. It offers training and a chance to explore your potential.”

Fiona looked down at the card, her fingers tracing the embossed seal. The reality of this scene hit her like a wave. She had always felt different, her powers often felt like a burden rather than a gift. The idea of attending a school that could help her understand and control her abilities was both thrilling and overwhelming.

“Why me?” Fiona asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty. “Why now?”

The man’s eyes softened with understanding. “You’ve shown remarkable control and responsibility with your powers. The school seeks out individuals who demonstrate both talent and a sense of… duty. It’s an opportunity to refine your abilities and discover what it is you’re truly capable of.”

As Fiona processed the offer, a sense of awe mixed with apprehension settled over her. The thought of leaving her rural village and her family behind was daunting, but the allure of discovering her potential and learning more about her powers was enticing.

The man extended his hand, offering her a plane ticket and additional instructions. “If you choose to accept, you’ll need to be ready to leave within the week. The school begins soon, and it’s a journey that will change your life.”

Fiona took the card and ticket, her mind racing with possibilities. “I’ll need some time to think,” she said, though her curiosity was clearly piqued.

“Of course,” the man replied, his smile genuine. “Take your time. But remember, the opportunity is there if you decide to embrace it.”

With that, the man turned and walked away, disappearing into the crowd as effortlessly as he had appeared. Fiona stood there, holding the card and ticket, feeling a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

The crowd continued to bustle around her, but Fiona’s world had changed forever. The station, with its noisy chatter and hurried footsteps, felt suddenly distant. She looked out at the tracks, the trains arriving and departing, and imagined herself embarking on a new journey—a journey that promised to reveal the true extent of her powers, and shape her future in ways she could only begin to fathom.

As she made her way home, the card in her hand felt like a key to a door she had always known was there but had never dared to open. Fiona resolved to discuss the opportunity with her family, though she knew it would be a difficult conversation. For now, she focused on the excitement of what lay ahead, her heart burning with the potential of the unknown.


After her encounter with the enigmatic Agent Macomb, Fiona Graves felt a whirlwind of emotions as she made her way back to Rothbury. Her mind was ablaze with thoughts about The Andrews School, her potential future, and the mystical elements that seemed to intertwine with her life. Yet, there was another pressing concern: her friends.

Fiona had grown up with a close-knit group of friends in Rothbury—Clara, Tom, and Jake. They spent countless hours exploring the countryside, playing by the river, and engaging in the sort of carefree adventures that defined their childhood. Despite the excitement of her recent encounter, Fiona felt a pang of nostalgia as she thought about sharing her news with them. 

The sun was beginning to set as Fiona arrived at the riverbank, where her friends were gathered. They had set up a small, makeshift camp by the water’s edge. Clara was busy arranging small rocks into a neat pattern, Tom and Jake were engaged in a competitive game of skipping stones, and the warm glow of a tiny bonfire flickered in the gathering twilight.

“Hey, guys!” Fiona called out, trying to sound casual as she joined them. Her heart raced with the thought of revealing her recent discovery, but she wasn’t sure if she was ready to share it just yet.

“Hey, Fiona!” Clara called back, her face lighting up with a smile. “We’re just playing with boats and rocks. Want to join us?”

Fiona nodded and took a seat on the grass. The familiar sights and sounds of her friends at play provided a comforting backdrop, but her mind was still preoccupied with the mysterious encounter and the card she now held. 

As she sat down, Fiona’s gaze drifted to the river. The water shimmered with the last light of the day, and the gentle ripples carried the tiny boats her friends had been setting afloat. She felt a sudden urge to show them a glimpse of her abilities, a subtle demonstration that might help her gauge their reactions.

“Hey, check this out,” Fiona said, grabbing a small piece of driftwood and focusing on it. She closed her eyes and willed the driftwood to levitate. A faint shimmer of gold light enveloped the wood as it slowly lifted into the air.

Clara, Tom, and Jake continued to play, oblivious to the subtle display of Fiona’s powers. Fiona watched them carefully, her heart pounding. She tried to keep the demonstration as discreet as possible, hoping they would notice something extraordinary.

But when she opened her eyes, the driftwood was back on the ground, and her friends were looking at her with puzzled expressions. Clara tilted her head, her brow furrowing in confusion.

“Did you see that, Fiona?” Clara asked, her voice tinged with curiosity. “I thought I saw something.”

Fiona forced a smile. “No, I don’t think so. Must be the light playing tricks on us.”

Tom and Jake shrugged, their attention quickly returning to their game. Fiona’s attempt to showcase her abilities subtly seemed to have gone unnoticed, and she felt a twinge of disappointment.

As she watched her friends, Fiona felt an unsettling sensation. It was as if someone was whispering to her, not in words but in a feeling that she couldn’t quite place. The sensation was accompanied by brief flashes of gold and purple light, flickering at the edges of her vision.

She glanced around, searching for the source of the strange feeling, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. The twilight cast long shadows, and the only sounds were the crackling of the bonfire and the soft murmur of the river.

“Is everything alright, Fiona?” Jake asked, noticing her distracted expression.

“Yeah, just thinking,” Fiona replied, trying to shake off the uneasy feeling. The whispers and the flashes of light seemed to be a warning, a reminder that she needed to be cautious with her powers.

As the evening wore on, Fiona’s thoughts returned to the card and her meeting with Agent Macomb. She resolved to keep her meeting a secret for now, knowing that revealing too much might lead to unwanted complications. The strange sensation she had experienced only reinforced her decision to be cautious.

Later, as the bonfire cast a warm glow over the riverbank, Fiona watched her friends enjoying the evening, their laughter and chatter creating a soothing atmosphere. Despite her internal conflict, she felt a deep sense of belonging with them. 

But she knew that things were about to change. The opportunity at The Andrews School was a chance to explore her powers and discover new aspects of herself. For now, she needed to balance her excitement with discretion, keeping her secrets safe, while she considered her next steps.

As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Fiona felt a renewed sense of determination. She would embrace the adventure that lay ahead, but she would also protect the things she held dear—her friendships, her family, and the peaceful life she had grown up with.

With a final glance at the river and her friends, Fiona took a deep breath, savoring the tranquility and peace. The future was uncertain, but she was ready to face it, armed with the knowledge that her journey was just beginning.


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