What’s the real scoop on the presidential debate?

What’s the real scoop on the presidential debate? 

By Asa Montreaux

So who is going to win the election? There is no definitive answer right this second, but what do you think? Some polls indicated former President Trump is ahead, but who were you routing for?

Did that influence who you thought would win? I had watched from the perspective of wanting Biden to win, and I thought that he had.

President Trump wants to bring some of the same tired policies, including an immediate import tariff on all foreign goods of ten percent, which would frankly ruin the economy. You might say the rest of Trump’s policies were racist, sexist, and exclusionary. Though it is not easy to say whether this will change somewhat.

Trump took very little responsibility for his court cases, but President Biden was swift to point out he has two very prominent trials going on right now.

President Biden had to be frank with the former President, that some of his idea were very bad, and he characterized his estimation that it was “The greatest economy in the world”, as complete crap.

The Supreme Court will rule soon on Trump’s level of immunity in court, and from there we will get a better picture of how the election will look. They dismissed the case of a rioter yesterday, but it has little bearing on the immunity of Trump in the Jan. 6 case, or his other ones.

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