Oct 8 2021 songs
By Asa Montreaux
Leave me now
Get up and go,
Or I’ll have to spend the whole night up with you.
I don’t trust you, but I had a minute ago.
Is that what you think?
It was a risk, but not for the risk,
We never knew that years ago,
Had we?
I long for the cold shivers of your body,
Or was I always imagining it.
The moment entangled between me and you,
It was for the pleasure and the pretending,
Pretending we were perfect for each other.
What's it matter?
If I knew what it was you wanted to do after.
I liked the moments the future didn’t distract your pleasure
Away from me a little.
It was a risk, but not for the risk,
We never knew that years ago,
Had we?
One, two, three,
You couldn’t have expected that,
But your still not in love,
And no one ever knew that.
Leave me now
Get up and go,
Or I’ll have to spend the whole night up with you.
I can’t ignore the rest,
But I wanted to feel a love,
I know you wanted to.
You can love me,
Can I love you?
I am not broken,
But the world is,
You’re innocence never did exist,
Your dreams had existed for you.
I am reaching to you in our life,
You always believe in dreams,
They’ll always believe in dreams.
You can love me,
Can I love you?
In your dreams you’re right beside me,
You’re right beside me,
I am right beside you in them,
At least in those,
You can’t see past today,
But we won’t be even friends then,
You’re in love with the idea of you,
The idea of you, I almost loved.
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