There was never anything more

By Asa Montreaux 

There was never anything more

Misunderstood, more painful than people know

Than an anxiety disorder.

It’s something you can suffer in silence

The other silent disease.

Sometimes it makes depression so much worse.

Anxiety can make you feel so tired

And like I said 

It can be so painful

You feel a lot more depressed

After an anxiety attack

After weeks of anxiety

The pain of your heart beating rapid

Of not being able to breathe

Of racing thoughts

Draining your energy

Making you feel more unsafe

Because you’re not even clear enough to make good decisions

You can try to solve your anxiety

And that’s another way you’re

Losing more control of your life

Spiraling through ways to save yourself

From the spirals

And trust me

That the spirals are the problem is too wrong

Too an oversimplification.

Have you ever noticed you can’t not think?

Better try to meditate

I suppose that’s a solution

But we are always thinking

And when we are anxious

Our mental world is an uncomfortable place to be

And that creates an environment over time

You run things less and less well

That will be more more uncomfortable

And maybe less safe

And then you’ve got to figure out

How to be less anxious than even before

So you can get out of not just the mental world but the real world

That you’ve left a mess.


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